Back to Morrowind

I’m in some kind of nostalgia period that’s been going on for more than six months now. First, I dove back into Oblivion, then Daggerfall and now I’m playing Morrowind. I haven’t played Morrowind for real for like ten years. I’m currently in the main quest where you have to convince the Ashlanders to accept you as the Nerevarine.

Is the game still as good as I remember it? Oh hell yeah. With a couple of strategically placed mods, it’s even better than it was back in, what, 2005.

But yeah, there are irritations too, irritations I’m actually very glad later instalments in the Elder Scrolls series got rid of. Like the Cliff Racers and Slaughterfish. And I thought I wouldn’t say it, but yeah, I’m glad they implemented Fast Travel.